6. That the membership be confined to amateurs who are eligible to compete in accordance with the rules laid down by UK Athletics.

7. That, subject to the approval of a General Meeting of the members, the Management Committee has the power to create free Life Memberships.


8. That the season be from 1st April to 31st March and that the Annual Subscription is to be paid by 31st May.

9. Those who apply for membership on or after 1st December will pay the sum determined by the Treasurer from time to time to cover the period to the end of that season, together with the appropriate Subscription for the following year which commences on 1st April.

10. Anyone interested in the activities of the Club may enrol as an Associate   Member at a minimum subscription, as determined by the Management Committee from time to time.


  1. That the Management Committee shall have power to expel any member.
  2. The name and address of any person so expelled from the Association shall be sent to England Athletics by the Secretary by recorded delivery. Every such person shall be suspended from competing at a meeting held under England Athletic laws until one year's subscription, shall have been discharged.


16. That the club colours shall be a red vest with blue and white centre bands, and this vest must be worn at all events.  It is recommended that shorts should be navy blue.


  1. That the Treasurer shall receive and pay all monies due on account of the Club. All accounts must be submitted to the Chairman and Treasurer for approval and sanction before payment. The accounts, after being duly audited by the Honorary Auditor or independent examiner be submitted for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. That the income and property of the Club shall be applied solely to the promotion and furtherance of amateur sport and games.



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